Posts are most impactful when they are concise and meaningful to a specific action, behaviour or work-related goal.
Let's explore a 'not-so-meaningful' example...
(sorry Karen ❤️)
Karen's intention behind this post is wonderful, to let Amanda know how appreciated she is.
However, the post lacks substance.
Amanda will likely be left feeling 'well which aspect of my role are you referring to?' or 'what have I done for you to send me this well-intended recognition?'.
WAGOLL - What A Good One Looks Like 👀 (sorry!)
Admittedly, this might be a little lengthy for some, posts don't always have to be this long but let's unpick what makes it a meaningful and concise recognition...
'SEND Superstar'
Is a nice summary of what's to come in the main message 👍
'...the way you've helped our SEND pupils get settled back into school...'
Relates directly to specific actions that Amanda has done for a specific group of pupils. It can also be about what actions a colleague has taken to support YOU! ❤️
'...hasn't gone unnoticed and is much appreciated'
This tells Amanda how her contributions have made Karen feel ⭐️
'Thank you for your continuous hard work...'
This reinforces the message to Amanda that her hard work is valued. 🤩
' ensure that our school does everything (and more) that we can to meet the needs of all our learners'
This relates to the ethos of the school and touches upon the type of environment that they strive to provide for their learners. This doubles up as a reminder to all staff that this is one of the desired outcomes of their contributions.