Setting & Awarding Rewards

3 min. readlast update: 09.13.2024

Setting Rewards

Offline rewards can be distributed through Edpreciate when leaders boost posts.

To set what rewards are available follow these steps.

  1. Go to your settings from the side panel
  2. Scroll to the 'Boost Function' section.

  3. Type one reward at a time in the 'choose or type' box and press 'enter' (it will appear in a bubble). The rewards will only be visible to colleagues who can boost posts.

  4. Then click 'update'

  5. A success message will appear in the top right corner near your profile image. 
    The rewards will immediately be available to award.

Giving a reward

To offer a reward, a leader must boost a post. We'd recommend boosting posts that are a significant personal achievement, going 'above and beyond' or exemplary practice.

To boost a post AND give a reward follow these steps.

  1. Click the 'feed' icon from the side panel.

  2. Scroll the feed to find a post that you'd like to boost and reward πŸ‘‡

  3. Click the 'boost' icon in the bottom right corner of the post. 
    A pop-up will appear, by default the 'reward offer' is on (green).

  4. Click the box next to the reward that you'd like to offer.

  5. Click 'boost'.
    A success message will appear in the top right corner.
    The post will be highlighted in a gold (yellow) box on the feed and the 'boost' icon will change to 'boosted by you'.

In the above example, Rhys will be notified that he has received a recognition by email. You can read more about how a reward can be redeemed here.

Your rewards page will look a bit like this πŸ‘‡

The top section shows a list of rewards that you've received and are yet to redeem. Let's take a closer look at one πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈ

To redeem a reward, click the green redeem button. A box will appear asking you to accept the reward on offer πŸ‘‡

Click the checkbox and then redeem. The colleague who gave you the reward will know that you've accepted it. All that's left to do is have a conversation with them to let them know, if they don't already, which chocolate is your favourite.

When a reward is redeemed it will move to the 'redeemed rewards' section.

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