Setting and Using Tags

2 min. readlast update: 09.13.2024

What are tags and when are they used?

Tags are a bit like hashtags on social media. They indicate that the content of the recognition post is related to a specific subject set as a priority by school leaders.

For example, let's say you've just implemented or updated your behaviour policy and you'd like all colleagues to be implementing it consistently.

You would create the tag 'behaviour' (find out how below). 

As a result, when all colleagues send a post of recognition, 'behaviour' will appear in the tags field.

This reminds staff that 'behaviour' is a school priority and that you (and everyone else) are looking for evidence that the new policy is being implemented well.

When anyone notices a colleague successfully implementing the new policy, they should use the 'behaviour' tag when sending colleagues a post. 

Here's what a post might look like, you can see where the tags appear.


How do I create tags?

Only admins can create tags.

If you don't have this function available to you, but think it would be useful for your subject leadership etc then speak to your school admin (it's usually your headteacher or staff wellbeing lead).

  1. Click on the settings cog in the side panel

  2. Scroll down the 'Tag Function' section

    Make sure 'on' is selected as above.

  3. Type the tags you'd like to set under 'create Tags'
    Press 'enter' after each tag

  4. Click 'update'

    A success message will appear in the top right of the screen. The tags will be immediately display on new posts.

How do I add/remove tags?

Adding Tags

Follow the steps above to add tags. 

You can have as many tags as you wish, just make sure you're not overloading staff with priorities so that efforts can be focussed on the more immediate ones.

Removing Tags

To remove tags, go to the 'tag function' section in settings (admins only).

Click the cross on the tags you want to remove. 

They will no longer display on new posts will remain on older posts sent using the removed tag.

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