How to send a recognition post to MULTIPLE colleagues

2 min. readlast update: 08.09.2024

This article shows you how to send a recognition post to multiple colleagues. For sending to one colleague, see this article.

1. Go to your dashboard (make sure you're logged in).

2. Go to the 'recognise a colleague' section.

3. Click the 'send to multiple' button.

4. Click the 'send to' field in the pop-up. A dropdown list of colleagues will appear, click the names of the colleagues you wish to send the post to.

Note: If your school feed is public (everybody can see all posts), it will be noticeable to all staff that the same post has been sent to multiple colleagues. 

5. Enter a title (a brief reason for your recognition).

6. Click the category dropdown and select the quality your colleagues have displayed (there may be some overlap, so choose the best fit).

7. In the 'tags' field, select the school development goals related to your recognition.

Tags are set by your school leadership team.

You can still send a recognition, even if it doesn't relate to one of the school development goals, in that instance, leave the tags section blank.

8. Type a message in the large blank box that explains the reason for your recognition.

9. Select a 'punny' image to attach to the post.

10. Click 'send posts'.

🎉 Congratulations, you've sent a post to multiple colleagues 🎉 

The post pop up will disappear when you click send posts. Don't worry, your colleagues will be notified by email that they've received a recognition. 

If your school settings allow, the 'feed' page will display your post as individual recognitions to each colleague you selected.

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