1. Before signing up
To get the most out of Edpreciate, we recommend attending a free 30-minute live demonstration. You can also check out our interactive product tour for a quick overview of some of our key features.
2a. Signing up after a live demonstration
You'll be given an account manager who'll be your point of contact. As soon as you're ready to sign up, drop them an email, they'll generate an invoice and get the ball rolling.
You'll get an account manager as your main contact. When you're ready to sign up, just email them, and they'll handle the invoice and setup.
2b. Signing up after an interactive demo
Paying via bank transfer
Email accounts@edpreciate.com with:
- School name
- School address
- School size (e.g., 1-form primary, 2-form primary, secondary)
- Primary contact name
- Primary contact email
- Primary contact number
An account manager will send you an invoice within 1-2 business days.
For Multi Academy Trusts (MATs) send the above details for each school and the Central Team (use "Central Team" as the school name). You'll receive an invoice within 1-2 business days.
Paying by card
Visit our pricing page, select the 'buy now' button under your school size. We offer a discount for a 2-year subscription (just click the tab on the pricing table).
Your account manager will be in touch to set up your accounts.
2. Setting up your school 🚀
After payment, our accounts team will send the primary contact a CSV file to fill out with:
- Staff names
- Staff email addresses
- Job roles
- User account types (leader or non-leader)
We'll then set up the accounts and send email invitations to everyone on the list. Just click the link in the invitation email to finish setting up your account by setting your password.