All about the feed

1 min. readlast update: 08.09.2024

Everything you need to know about the Feed

Your feed shows all the recognition posts shared between colleagues at your school. To access the feed, make sure you're logged in.

Click the feed icon from the side panel.

The school admin will set the feed to either 'public' or 'private'.

If you've got a public feed, it will look something like this 👇

A private feed will mean that the feed icon does not appear in your side panel.

Social Media-esque Interactions

Edpreciate is all about building team spirit and valuing individual contributions towards shared goals. Just like social media, you can interact with colleagues on posts with likes, hearts and comments. 

👍 To like a post, click on the thumbs up icon.

❤️ To heart a post, click on the heart icon.

💬 To comment on a post, click comment. A box will appear for you to type in.

🚨 Any comments should always be positive and supportive. We closely monitor all comments and comment replies. We will report any negative or derogatory comments to your school admin. 🚨


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